Our Vision
“Shalom will be a covenant family leading people to a growing union with Jesus Christ and showing the glory of God.”
Our Mission
“Shalom invites everyone to cultivate a vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ, celebrate in worship, care for and encourage each other, and communicate Christ to the world.”
The Four Movements
At Shalom CRC, we focus on advancing our mission through what we call the “Four Movements.” These movements guide us in growing closer to God and living out our vision as a community.
As we progress in each movement—each at our own pace and in our unique ways—we deepen our commitment to discipleship in Jesus Christ. We encourage everyone involved with Shalom to actively participate in these movements, as this is how we GROW in Christ and fulfill our spiritual journey together.
Join us as we embrace these principles and cultivate a vibrant community of faith!

“We invite everyone to cultivate a vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ.”
At Shalom CRC, we extend Jesus’ simple yet profound invitation to all: to follow Him. Inspired by His calling, we embrace the mission for His Church as outlined in Matthew 28:19-20:
“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
As deeply devoted followers of Christ, we strive to become more like Him, learning to live our lives as He would. Our hope is that every member of Shalom engages actively in the discipleship process, fostering their own relationship with Jesus while encouraging others to do the same.

“Celebrating in worship”
At Shalom CRC, we believe in the power of gathering together as worshippers of God. Our worship is centered on the adoration of the Triune God, reflecting our identity as created beings designed to worship.
In Christ, we are made holy, and we strive to embody this holiness in our daily lives. Worship is not just a Sunday activity; it is a continuous journey that unfolds in the presence of God. We come together with joy-filled, grateful hearts, allowing our thankfulness to overflow into awe-filled lives of passionate worship.

“Care for and encourage each other”
At Shalom CRC, we embrace our role as the body of Christ, fostering a loving community of faith. We believe that faith is not meant to be lived in isolation; rather, we are created to journey together. Jesus established the Church to provide us with the support and fellowship we need.
In our community, we encourage, challenge, support, and uplift one another as we navigate our spiritual paths. Together, we cultivate an environment where every member can thrive, grow, and deepen their relationship with God.

” Communicate Christ to the world.”
At Shalom CRC, we embrace Jesus’ command to “Go.” We view the Church not merely as a place where people “come” but as a family of Jesus followers who are actively “sent” into the world. Our commitment is to be an outward-focused community where our lives overflow with compassionate service and the proclamation of the Good News of Jesus Christ—that the Kingdom of God is available to everyone.
Just as Jesus came as a servant, we are called to serve in every aspect of our lives. We carry Christ with us into our communities and beyond, utilizing our unique gifts to fulfill God’s mission both within the local church and to the ends of the earth.
Our Denomination
Shalom CRC belongs to the Christian Reformed Church (CRCNA) denomination. To learn more information about our beliefs, click the button below!